Tempest in a Teacup, thank you for the post but I have a question.
Why should we suggest anything to the Watchtower/Governing Body that will improve them?
...that only people from those countries can lead 'his organization'.. a few years ago, one conversation stopper people would often bring up to jws in my country is: 'you guys are an american religion'.
the standard answer we were formatted to give to shoot that down was that "god does not favor any nationality over others.
however some countries do possess some advantages needed for the advancement of the divine work.
Tempest in a Teacup, thank you for the post but I have a question.
Why should we suggest anything to the Watchtower/Governing Body that will improve them?
id give a guess of maybe another 15 to 20 years ,.
nothing will be the same , if there even is a headquarters.. opinion?.
the borg seem to prepare for changes by missing explanations out for a while then presenting a "new understanding" which doesn't contradict the most recent discussion.check out the most recent references to gog - no identification as satan.. in today's wt study, paragraph 15 concerning benefitting from the prodigal son stated "if we meet a person who has strayed from the congregation, will we offer loving and practical help to assist him to return?
" there is no footnote or other qualifier saying not to go to disfellowshipped ones (who are definitely the ones being talked about) which is still the official policy.
i know this isn't an ending to shunning, but it may signal the start of the preparation for a change.
What Finkelstein said above.
If the Mormons have excommunication then why would the Witnesses not have it?
id give a guess of maybe another 15 to 20 years ,.
nothing will be the same , if there even is a headquarters.. opinion?.
@ never a jw:
"Who are we to meddle because we personally do not like someone else's religion or beliefs? They might not like ours either."
If you had grown up in the religion you would know why. And many of us do not believe in a god. Furthermore you seem to contradict yourself.
"Humble yourselves and let God take care it. Let God take care of ending that which is false."
Compare to:
"By the way, I like a God that leaves humanity alone."
quick synopsis...the local spanish congo is the only one in about a 40 mile radius.
most of the members live nearby, but the ones in the outskirts have up to a 1 hour trip depending on beach traffic.
recently the wife and i noticed that the hall's parking lot had been secured by a wall and electric gates added to all three exits and entrances.
@ MinisterAmos: "...the wall surrounding the property is only about 2-3 feet tall...
I'm relatively short but I would find 2-3 feet to high to step over for almost anyone. Why would they even put a wall if they just want to shut off entry to automobiles? Perhaps they were being cheap with a low wall but it seems that they want to block pedestrian access to the parking lot.
Have there been any instances of pamphleteering the cars? I know that putting apostate literature at JW home's doors occurs every once in a while. An alarm, even if it covers the parking lot, would not do much to prevent pamphleteering which could take only a couple of minutes.
But I'm just brainstorming.
quick synopsis...the local spanish congo is the only one in about a 40 mile radius.
most of the members live nearby, but the ones in the outskirts have up to a 1 hour trip depending on beach traffic.
recently the wife and i noticed that the hall's parking lot had been secured by a wall and electric gates added to all three exits and entrances.
Could it be that they are doing that for security even if it's a low crime area? I know of cars having been vandalized at a Kingdom Hall parking lot, in a good neighborhood, and they had someone outside the meeting to guard it.
Or maybe they're afraid that one of us evil demons will try to spread our mental disease by placing pamphlets on their cars?
my uncle passed away two years ago at the age of 83. he served as an elder from 1965 to the last day of his life.
even till the end of his life he was still reading the bible.. he was an elder for 48 years.
never missed a meeting,pioneered during the summer months ( took vacation weeks),pioneered after retiring at 65 years old, never went on real vacation, went to all summer conventions and assemblies ( traveling to new york,wisconsin, canada and california ).. he also conducted book studies, watchtower meetings, gave sunday public talks, assembly parts, elder meetings, had a weekly book study with his family,cleaned the kingdom hall, and donated money when the congregation was short money for the month.. everyone is zealous in the beginning but tire out sooner or later.
People like these are the hardcore true believers who don't have the mind nor the spirit with which to question anything. They go to their grave without a doubt.
yes, i'm not kidding!.
this gem was stated today in the talk!
(shortly before i walked out).
here we go again... let's study... news report... comment.... who is gog of magog mentioned in the book of ezekiel?.
for a number of years, our publications have explained that gog of magog is the name given to satan the devil after his ouster from heaven.
this explanation was based on the fact that the book of revelation identifies satan the devil as the leader of the worldwide attack on gods people.
Gagh, a Klingon delicacy of live blood worms:
here we go again... let's study... news report... comment.... who is gog of magog mentioned in the book of ezekiel?.
for a number of years, our publications have explained that gog of magog is the name given to satan the devil after his ouster from heaven.
this explanation was based on the fact that the book of revelation identifies satan the devil as the leader of the worldwide attack on gods people.